We hope that you have enjoyed
using the equipment provided by the Lending Library. As part of this scheme, we
also want to offer you some additional information that you might find
Equipment grants
https://www.familyfund.org.uk/computers-and-tablets - Help to
purchase computers or laptops. Also help available to buy essential items like
washing machine, bed etc
Help to purchase mobility equipment for children - https://www.myafk.org/how-we-help/mobility-equipment/
The Boparan Charitable Trust can
provide grants for wheelchairs, trikes, sensory books, toys and special wishes.
Support for families in the form
of equipment, support, treatment and therapy
- https://www.caudwellchildren.com/apply-support/
Grants for adaptive equipment,
wheelchairs, hoists, sensory toys etc - https://www.childrentoday.org.uk/apply-now/. ** currently 3 month
waiting list**. Need reference from a professional
Support to purchase equipment, days out, computers etc - http://www.childrenshopefoundation.org.uk/downloads.html
Grants for wheelchairs - https://www.chipscharity.org/contact-us.html
Grants for specialise equipment,
wheelchairs or sensory toys. Also have a caravan in Brean for families to use.
- https://www.crackerjacks.org.uk/
Grant support for seats, standing
frames, tricycles, powered mobility, computers and respite breaks for disabled
children. Preferred if application is from a professional body - https://www.cheynecharity.org/how-we-canhelp/
Covid-19 support
Glasspool Charity trust - https://www.glasspool.org.uk/grants/how-to-apply
Newby Trust - Smal grants of up
to £250 towards household items. For people with disabilities, single parents.
Small one-off payment for
families on low income. Grants towards household items like washing machines,
fridges. Can only apply via a social worker, so worth flagging this charity up
to them. The Percy Bilton Charity - https://www.percy-bilton-charity.org/
The Talisman Charitable
Trust - Grants for education, health,
housing, disablement or disability. Must apply vis local authority or C.A.B.
Medical equipment,
adaptive home equipment, travel expenses to hospitals, financial assistance
towards hospital travel, respite -
Financial support getting to
hospitals for appointments - https://www.nhsbsa.nhs.uk/nhs-low-income-scheme
Support for terminally ill
children –
Charlie Cookson - Http://charliecookson.org.uk/how-can-we-help/
Small grants for children with
acquired brain injury - www.childbraininjurytrust.org.uk
Support for children with severe
epilepsy. Funded implants and short breaks - https://www.thedaisygarland.org.uk/forms/monitor-grant-enquiry-form
Grants for seizure/ epilepsy monitors - https://www.muirmaxwelltrust.com/contact
Help for children with heart
conditions. Applications must be made by nurse or other professional body on
your behalf - https://www.chfed.org.uk/howwe-help/grants/
One-off support for children with
epilepsy. Breathing Monitor and small grants
- https://www.thedaisygarland.org.uk/forms/monitor-grant-enquiry-form
Heart monitors of Epilepsy -
Saturday Fund - https://hospitalsaturdayfund.org/apply-for-a-grant/
Short breaks -
Bursaries for breaks and holidays
- https://www.clevedonforbes.org/ Funding for help towards training for
your P.A
Befriending service - https://www.careforthefamily.org.uk/family-life/parentsupport/parenting-additional-challenges/additional-needssupport/additional-needs-support-for-you
This document is being constantly updated. In the meantime, for more grants and trusts, see here - https://www.disability-grants.org/grants-for-children.html