Hammocks and Swings

GYM 239 Mushroom Shaped Swing

It is used for developing bilateral motor co-ordination, balance reflexes, visuomotor co-ordination, tonic (especially labyrinthine) reflex integration, improving postural (flexor…

GYM 229 Soft Platform Swing

The Soft platform swing brings a fun, exciting change to a therapy classic. This platform swing offers all the same…

GYM 7 Gorilla Gym (over door frame) + Swings + Rope Ladder

The Gorilla Gym is a fantastic way for kids to stay active indoors.You dont even need to drill anything into…

GYM 09 Flying Purple People Eater Swing

This versatile swing is great for any child who loves small places. Kids will love to swing and spin while…

GYM 115 Bolster Swing

Another Gympanzees Pop-up favourite. A great swing for building core muscles, balance and strength.** Please note**We currently do not supply…