Welcome to the
Lending Library

At Gympanzees, we strive to ensure that children and young people with disabilities have equal opportunities to play and exercise, promoting their physical and mental development so that they can reach their full potential. 

Home Delivery Service (Tuesdays only)
  • Available to families within an hour of our main centre in Aust, Bristol.
  • Cost: £15 (£7.50 each way) + £3 per item.
  • Max 3 items per household.
  • Delivery charges may vary depending on demand.
  • Live outside the area? Check our Hub Service.
  • School/Organisations are welcome to register! More information here
Main Centre: Aust, Bristol (Wednesdays only)
  • FREE collection and drop-off service for anyone in Bristol or surrounding areas.
  • Max 3 items per household.
  • Choose a Wednesday pick-up date when placing your order.
Hub Service (Tuesdays only)
  • FREE collection and drop-off at our partner hubs in Somerset, Bristol, and Wales.
  • You must collect and return items to the same hub.
  • Max 3 items per household.
  • Select your preferred hub at checkout.

More Hub locations will be added soon to make borrowing even more convenient for you.

What is the Gympanzees Lending Library?

A borrowing system for families, schools and organisations to borrow specialist exercise and sensory equipment.  

Helping children develop - We want to ensure that children and young people can access the sensory and physical benefits of Gympanzees, in between their visits.  

Try before you buy - Disability equipment can also be expensive. The Lending Library helps families try out equipment to see if it works for their child. 

We have over 150 pieces of kit that can be borrowed, all providing essential therapy, play, and exercise.  

Start your lending journey today! 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • See How It Works page for more details on how to use Gympanzees Lending Library.

    • Families: Up to 3 items. 
    • Schools/Organisations: Up to 5 items. 


    • Everyone is welcome to join Gympanzees Lending Library. You don't need a diagnosis to use it!
      Delivery is available for £15 (£7.50 each way).
      Collection from hubs or the centre is free. 
      Items must be returned to the same location they were borrowed from. 

  • Yes. However you will have to come to our main site or one of our Partner Hubs to collect and return it.

    • Collection: £3 per item. You can pay straight away or on collection.
    • Delivery: £15 for delivery and collection (£7.50 each way), regardless of how many items you’ve booked.
    • If you’re on Universal Credit or costs are a barrier, contact us for support at [email protected] or 07761913466. 

    • Loans last 4 weeks, with a 1-week maintenance period after. 
    • Deliveries and hub pick-ups: Tuesdays (10 am–2 pm). 
    • Centre pick-ups: Wednesdays (10 am–2 pm). 

    • If you opted for delivery, we’ll collect it at the end of your loan period.
    • If you collected the items yourself, just bring them back to the same location.

  • Yes, please! A quick clean before returning the equipment is a big help to us. Don’t worry - everything is thoroughly cleaned and checked by our team after each loan.

Financial Assistance

Thanks to the Mothers' Union, we can waive the delivery fee for families experiencing financial difficulties.


Sign up here to receive our four weekly Lending Library newsletter, includes items of the week!

Bring a little magic

We've got a wish list, and you're invited to sprinkle some magic on it.  Whether it's cool stuff for our office, bits for the Lending Library, or just some funky bits, your choice can help us keep things running smoothly without breaking the bank. Feel free to dive in, grab whatever sparks joy, and let's make Gympanzees even more epic together! Thanks a ton for being part of our journey!

Gympanzees Amazon Wish List

Our Donors and Supporters